Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Caiden - 10 & 11 Months

Well, life has been so busy these past few months that I never got to write about Caiden's 10 month milestone.  So looks like I'll be writing about both this time :-)

These past two months have been such a pleasure as we watch Caiden grow and develop so quickly.  Not only did he start crawling, but now he is attempting to walk.  He loves to pull himself into a standing position using anything that he can, and walks along the furniture.  It is awesome to see him becoming such an independent little guy, but it is definitely hard work!  We can't take our eyes off him for even a second because he'll get into anything that he can.  We've had to baby-proof the house, and it looks like we'll need to do more baby-proofing in the near future. 

Caiden has been working on expanding his vocabulary as well.  He loves to say "dog" and point at Mocha or call Freddie "dada".  We can tell he's trying to use several other words as well although they aren't completely clear yet.   He also loves to wave "hi" and "bye" whenever someone enters or leaves the room - it is so adorable!  It seems as though he's a one-man show most of the time - always making funny faces, funny noises and doing goofy things.  Apparently he takes after his daddy who used to also make lots of funny faces as a baby.

He has also decided that he no longer wants any type of baby foods and only wants "big boy" food.  So it looks like Mommy has to start making his breakfast, lunches and dinners!

It's amazing to think that Caiden will be a year old next month!  We are so excited to celebrate his 1st birthday but it's also sad to realize that an entire year has already flown by.  I guess that what they say is true....children grow up so quickly before our eyes!

Loves standing up in his playpen!

This is his whistle face

Loves his formula!

Handsome little guy <3

This is after we lowered the crib, uh oh!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Caiden is 9 Months!

Oops, looks like I'm a little late on writing this post since Caiden turned 9 months on May 19th!  

We went to the doctor's for his 9 month appointment and were very happy to hear his latest "stats".  He is currently 30 inches tall (only needs to grow another 1.5 inches to be half Mommy's height - geez!) and in the 91 percentile for height.  He weighs almost 22lbs and is in the 64 percentile for weight.  The doctor said that he is a very social little boy and that he is very happy with his development.  And the best part, no shots this time!

Last month we dealt with several of Caiden's teeth coming in, and he ended up getting 4 of his top teeth in at once! Poor little guy!  It is so funny to see his little smile with so many teeth now!  He's also been getting into everything, although he doesn't necessary "crawl" yet.  He manages to get where he wants to go either by rolling or by doing a sort of army crawl and does it in a matter of seconds - can't take our eye off of him.  He's also been working on pulling himself up on things and has started trying to take steps when you stand him up and hold his hands.  Knowing how fast of a runner his Daddy is...we're just waiting for the day that he just randomly takes off running - even before he crawls! haha!  

Caiden also had his first pool experience since it has been so hot out lately.  We dressed him up in his adorable swimsuit and put him in his baby pool.  At first he wasn't so sure when we put his feet in, but he ended up loving it! I'm so glad that our little guy likes the water :-)  He also got to attend his first Orioles game on Mother's Day.  He wasn't a big fan of the crowd cheering but other than that, he seemed to have a great time.  His granddad even got an awesome caricature done of him at the game.

Here are some fun pics of the past month:

Taking his car out for a spin!

Someone got into the laundry!

Such a silly little guy

First O's Game!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

8 Month Studio Pics

So although I am typically not a fan of the generic portrait studio pictures, and tend to like professional photographers much better....I couldn't pass up a great Groupon deal to get pictures done of Caiden.  They actually turned out much better than I had anticipated!  We did post these on Facebook, but since many of our family and family friends don't have Facebook, we also wanted to post them here for everyone to enjoy! :-)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Biggie Boy is 8 Months!!

Happy 8 Month Birthday Caiden!  It always seems like I just wrote a blog post, and yet another month flies by as Caiden gets further and further away from his newborn days.  This month has been tons of fun, but also lots of teething.  He is currently getting 3 of his top teeth in at once - poor little guy! He was having a tough time with it but now that they've broken through the gums, he seems to be much better.  The funny part is that none of the 3 teeth are his front teeth -  they are both his K9s (which don't usually come in until after a year) and one of his lateral incisors.  He may look like he belongs in a Twilight film for a while until those front two teeth come in!

Besides going through the teething, Caiden has been working on mastering so many skills this month!  One of the things that he's been able to do for a while now is to pick up little pieces of food and feed himself.  He loves his puffs and other small fruits cut up like bananas, mangoes, etc.  He is becoming quite the little pro at feeding himself - although we haven't tackled doing it with it a spoon yet! He is also doing a wonderful job of sitting on his own.  Sometimes he gets overly excited and launches himself backwards, so we still have to keep an eye on him most of the time.  We can also tell that he's working on the crawling thing - but hasn't quite figured it out yet.  Right now he gets on his knees and sticks his butt up in the air and moves himself forward with his arms spread eagle on the ground...it is too funny to watch.  Eventually he'll figure out the use of his arms in conjunction with his legs!  In the meantime, he knows how to get around by rolling.  We lay him down in one spot on the ground, and he'll be halfway across the room in a matter of seconds.  Definitely can't take our eyes off of that little guy!  

It also seems that he recently went through a growth spurt - as all his 9 month clothes are too short for him now! Seriously?! I can't believe that he is already wearing 12 month stuff!

And because he is such a biggie boy now, we decided that it was time to make the leap to the convertible car seat.  Caiden is over 20lbs now and was getting too heavy to carry with the added weight of the car seat - and not to mention he's built like a football player and his shoulders were getting too wide for the seat.  It is crazy how much these convertible car seats cost, but at least they go up to 70lbs so we won't have to worry about buying another one for quite a while!  Caiden seems to love his new seat as it doesn't restrict his vision as much and he can look around more while in the car.  The only downfall is having to wake him up when we get somewhere if he has fallen asleep - I feel so bad having to pull him out of the seat now!  But I guess that is all part of him growing up :-(

One of our favorite things that has happened this month (which just actually happened last night) is that Caiden has started giving us kisses!  Last night while sitting on my lap, he looked up at me and put his hand on my cheek to pull it closer to his face and opened his mouth to give me a big wet open-mouthed kiss!  Although it was full of slobber, it was the best thing ever!  It just melted my heart.  I brought him into the other room to show Freddie and he did it again for him! I loved seeing him give his Daddy kisses too!  These are the moments that make all the hardships of parenting worth EVERY minute!  We love you Caiden!!  

Here are some fun pictures from this month:

Got Daddy in a headlock!!

We love how silly he can be :-)

Hi cutie!

Love this!


Loves playing with the football, no surprise!

Beep Beep - here I come ladies!!

Ready for Orioles Opening Day!

While taking a walk, he lost one sock and
this is where I found the other!

Caiden & Sloane

Always has Tweety Bird with him in the car,
even falls asleep holding her! <3

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Caiden is 7 Months!

Well, somehow we managed to miss posting anything about Caiden's half birthday when he turned 6 months! But we're back now!  As any of you who have children know, life is quite busy and it is so amazing how quickly time flies.  We cannot believe that Caiden turned 7 months old yesterday!

These past two months have certainly been a fun time! Caiden's personality comes out more and more each day and it it such a joy to watch.  He is such a happy little boy and always smiling.  Over the past few months we had experienced the whole "stranger anxiety" stage which was tough.  Caiden only wanted his Mommy & Daddy and wouldn't really go to anyone else (well - except his Grandmom, he always loves being held by her!).  As a parent it was hard to explain to people that they shouldn't take it personally and that it was just a phase that he would be over soon enough.  And luckily he has worked through it! :-)  He seems much more willing to let people hold him and seems to not mind who it is as long as he's having fun!

He has been working a lot on his motor skills and seems to refine them more each day.  He is sitting on his own now but needs a little assistance because he gets overly excited and throws himself backwards sometimes.  He was never much of a fan of tummy time but seems to enjoy it and has started trying to get himself around.  We're just waiting for the day that he begins crawling, as he is now scooting himself backwards and rolling over repeatedly to get somewhere.  He also has decided that he likes to sleep better on his tummy so he has been getting used to rolling around in his crib.  Another fun thing that he has discovered is that he has the ability to copy things that we are doing.  His Granddad Scafone taught him how to stick out his tongue (thanks a bunch Granddad!) and he'll copy you whenever you do it.  He'll also try to imitate sounds - like growling at the Lion King on TV the other day.  It is so funny to watch!

Caiden was super excited to have a week long visit from his Uncle Ant this month! He also got a surprise visit from his Uncle Brett, and his Granddad Jackson & Barb will be visiting this weekend. How exciting!

Here are some fun photos over the past two months:

He just LOVES his jumper from
Grandmom & Granddad Scafone!

Karate Kick!!

Can't believe he's big enough for the swing!

Can't ever have enough toys, right?!

Nom, nom, nom!

He loves to look out the window
while eating his meals!

Our biggie boy is eating puffs
now and practicing putting them
in his mouth!
Finally got him an O's hat!! Go O's!!

I'm ready for my kisses!!

Despite the Yankees hat, this is
still one of our favorite pics!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Talking, Teething and Tons of Fun!

It's crazy to us that our little guy turned 5 months on January 19th! He is growing so fast right in front of our eyes!  His fourth month was full of lots of first and we enjoyed seeing all these changes that Caiden is going through.  He started rolling over, and moves himself all around.  He never ends up in the same position as when we put him down in his crib at night - almost always do we see him do a 360 during the night!  He also started trying solids, and so far he has had sweet potatoes and avocados.  He has done really well with eating from a spoon and has a huge appetite!  But this isn't surprising considering he is in the 80th percentile for weight, haha.

Starting his 5 month has had even more exciting milestones.  Yesterday he starting saying "Dada" and has been saying it non-stop since then.  Freddie is soaking in every little "Dada" and loving every minute of it.  Although Caiden can't associate "dada" with Dad, it still is adorable to hear him start to say "real" words.  I think it's time that we teach him to say Mama!

Another amazing discovery happened this morning when we got Caiden out of his crib (of course it was about 6:30am) -  his two bottom front teeth had cut through the gums during the night!  We knew he was teething, but can't believe that both his teeth are coming in at the same time.  I guess this explains the massive amounts of drool, and chewing on everything he can get his little hands on.  We look forward to seeing his adorable smile with those two little teeth sticking out!

Here are some pics from the last few weeks:

First time trying avocado...not sure what
to think yet!

Yummy! He loves avocado!

Saying "Dada" over and over again!

Whaaaats up?!

His two new teeth! Getting so big!!