Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Caiden - 10 & 11 Months

Well, life has been so busy these past few months that I never got to write about Caiden's 10 month milestone.  So looks like I'll be writing about both this time :-)

These past two months have been such a pleasure as we watch Caiden grow and develop so quickly.  Not only did he start crawling, but now he is attempting to walk.  He loves to pull himself into a standing position using anything that he can, and walks along the furniture.  It is awesome to see him becoming such an independent little guy, but it is definitely hard work!  We can't take our eyes off him for even a second because he'll get into anything that he can.  We've had to baby-proof the house, and it looks like we'll need to do more baby-proofing in the near future. 

Caiden has been working on expanding his vocabulary as well.  He loves to say "dog" and point at Mocha or call Freddie "dada".  We can tell he's trying to use several other words as well although they aren't completely clear yet.   He also loves to wave "hi" and "bye" whenever someone enters or leaves the room - it is so adorable!  It seems as though he's a one-man show most of the time - always making funny faces, funny noises and doing goofy things.  Apparently he takes after his daddy who used to also make lots of funny faces as a baby.

He has also decided that he no longer wants any type of baby foods and only wants "big boy" food.  So it looks like Mommy has to start making his breakfast, lunches and dinners!

It's amazing to think that Caiden will be a year old next month!  We are so excited to celebrate his 1st birthday but it's also sad to realize that an entire year has already flown by.  I guess that what they say is true....children grow up so quickly before our eyes!

Loves standing up in his playpen!

This is his whistle face

Loves his formula!

Handsome little guy <3

This is after we lowered the crib, uh oh!